martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

fool·ish·ness [a noun]

Fondo musical: Billie Holiday, I'm a fool to want you
Mood chart: racionalmente fuerte, emocionalmente decidida, ridícula.


Mantra: el amor es una decisión.

I'm a fool to want you

I' m a fool to want you
I' m a fool to want you
To want a love that cant be true
A love thats there for others too

I' m a fool to hold you
Such a fool to hold you
To seek a kiss not mine alone
To share a kiss that devil has known

Time and time again I said Id leave you
Time and time again I went away
But then would come the time when I would need you
And once again these words I had to say

Take me back, I love you
...i need you
I know its wrong, it must be wrong
But right or wrong I cant get along...
Without you...