Moods operanding: The Informant! movie.
Moodcharts: Incógnitamente eufórica. Aprendiendo a disimular
Él preguntó: —Did you kill Vladim?
Ella contestó: —Yes I am.— sin ninguna señal de asombro. Cómo si fuera tan normal como sonreír o llorar.
Él preguntó: —Did you speak in english?
Ella contestó: —Yes I am. I speak, think and talk in magingli.— De eso todos estábamos seguros.
Él agregó: —No se si te pueda contar.
Ella contestó: –Trust me!— y en su mente sólo oía la pregunta: "Am I right?"
A la que ella contestó: —Yes I am. Y empezó a tararear...
(…)Trust me,
Theres are not have the goat to count us,
a trip to live strictly by your wees,
and if they call you crazy,
they won't left you crack pack when the jack pack is,
and you can trust me...
there is a light in the end of every tunel,
a sunday in the end of every week,
and if you play your cards right,
one win hand is the beggining of ... ... ...
(…) Theres time when you're feeling like a loser,
there's no future living in the past,
you got to stick to your intuition,
life can be bitching, crime and hurting,
use the others peoples money,
I give you my life as garranty… trust me!
T R U S T M E!