Fondo musical: Please, Please, Please, Fiona Apple
Mood chart: #taletshow #freakshow, no sé si tu sabes pero yo tengo #risadechimp
(Cortesía de mi Camarita, Alberti II de Mónica)
Siete deseos pedidos 12 horas antes, cinco que pudieron ser pedidos a tiempo pero incluso en la hora cero, el imperativo también fue cero. Así me cogió el año del dragón de agua a quién llamaremos de cariño Yin, aunque ya Juliana me explicó que no era su nombre. Poco sé de él, dicen que tiene 9 hijos que son sus talentos, espero que uno sea la risa de chimp, para por lo menos poder sentirme algo mas cerca de Yin de lo que me siento hoy. Yin dice que va a ser un buen año, yo lo creo, no por que Yin lo diga, sino por que quiero que así sea y eso fue lo que le dije a Yin en mi carta de deseos, más arrogante que imperativa, fue una nota llena de ganas y de ilusión. Caro me envió lo que me mandó a decir Yin, lo copio acá para que no se me pierda solo para acordarme dentro de un año cuando estemos despidiéndolo todo lo que me prometió: (por cierto Yin habla en #migiingli)
Yearly Prediction for the Monkey
Jan. 23, 2012 - Feb. 9, 2013
The curious Monkey will get lots of intellectual stimulation during the Year of the Water Dragon. Dragons reward those who exhibit a pioneer spirit. By striving for greater mastery of their favorite subject in 2012, the intrepid Monkey will shine. Although opportunities for personal advancement will abound this year, this sign should also engage in charitable activities. Water Dragon years punish selfishness and reward philanthropy, so the altruistic Monkey should follow its heart.
Road rage can be a problem for restless Monkeys in 2012. Water Dragon years prompt people to take stupid risks, which can enrage this sign. Monkeys will need to drive defensively and control their tempers to avoid accidents. Smart Monkeys will equip their cars with soothing music and entertaining audio books, which can keep their tempers under control during long commutes and annoying traffic jams.
The Year of the Water Dragon is lively, which perfectly suits the sociable Monkey. This sign should throw at least one festive party in 2012, if not two or three! Celebrating the good times with friends will keep the vivacious Monkey's spirits high all year. In between parties, this sign will take at least one fabulous trip, as Dragon years usually mean adventure for the Monkey.
Rumors will run rampant this year, as Dragons are prone to exaggeration. Therefore, Monkeys should take care not to repeat gossip, especially if they want to keep their numerous friendships intact.
En palabras de Fiona, mis escasos 7 deseos a destiempo:
"Please please please
No more melodies
They lack impact, they're petty
They've been made up already
Please please please
No more maladies
I'm so tired of crying
You'd think I was a siren
But me and everybody's on the sad same team
And you can hear our sad brain screaming
Give us something familiarSomething similar
To what we know already
That will keep us steady
Steady going nowhere"
No more melodies
They lack impact, they're petty
They've been made up already
Please please please
No more maladies
I'm so tired of crying
You'd think I was a siren
But me and everybody's on the sad same team
And you can hear our sad brain screaming
Give us something familiarSomething similar
To what we know already
That will keep us steady
Steady going nowhere"